Famous Warmongers Since the Founding of the UN in 1945

Gaddafi 2007 معمر القذافي

„Sixty-five wars have broken out since the establishment of the United Nations and the Security Council — 65 since their creation, with millions more victims than in the Second World War. Are those wars, and the aggression and force that were used in those 65 wars, in the common interest of us all? No, they were in the interest of one or three or four countries, but not of all nations.“
Gadaffi at the UN on 10/01/2009

A very descriptive and concise illustration of then Secretary of State Hillary "Killary" Clinton's attitude towards Gadaffi is shown in this video sequence:
"We came, we saw, he died" - Hillary Clinton Laughs About Gadaffis Violent Bloody Death

Masters of War involved:

Hillary Clinton

David Cameron

Nicolas Sarkozy

Barack Obama

Background and consequences

The idea for the creation of this page comes from „Illegale Kriege - Wie die NATO-Länder die UNO sabotieren / Eine Chronik von Kuba bis Syrien“ (2016) by Swiss historian and peace researcher Daniele Ganser. Much of the information here is taken from this book, bibliographic data also from Wikipedia, so that I can't guarantee accuracy... in doubt please do your own research!

Composed 2017 - 2023 by Vlado Plaga.